Buddy the magic Elf has already been up to mischief. On Monday he was swinging on a zip wire between the speakers!!!
He's been quietly reading a Christmas story and yesterday we found him in the Wishing Tree.
On Wednesday we went on a stick hunt to find small branches for our reindeer food bags. The reindeer food is for sprinkling on the ground on Christmas Eve.
We've been making baubles for our Wishing Tree. Tallulah would like a lollipop maker, Olivia SS would like a phone. There are requests for a yoyo, a Baby Anabelle and a cat.
Outside we've been making dens and singing songs from the Sound of Music.
The biggest highlight this week was the Foundation Stage production of Mary's Knitting. It was fabulous!!
Here is the weekly slideshow
Another busy week in FS2 on PhotoPeach
Photo of the week
Our den |
Hi FS2 I'm exhausted just looking at the photographs. Another busy week coming up, lots to do!