Sunday, 29 September 2013

Our learning this week and the Photo of the Week

Here is the slide show of some of the photos we have taken this week.
Look out for Superman, Princess and Cyber-man, they all made an appearance outside.

On Tuesday FS2 were very lucky to have the very first story in our newly built Story Garden. Miss Morris took them into the garden because they had won a Classopoly treat for attendance above 97%. 

Photo of the week
Here they are enjoying a story in our new Story Garden

Friday, 27 September 2013

Jolly Phonics

By the end of this week, all children will have received their sound book which contains the sounds your child needs to concentrate on.
The following link will take you to the Jolly Phonics website where you can hear the individual sounds and see the actions we use in class.

Click here to play an initial sound game.
Click here to play a blending game.

Have fun!

Golden Children

This week we celebrated the achievements of Marshall and Abigail.

Marshall consistently demonstrates an excellent attitude to learning. He is making many new friends and enjoying spending time with them in the indoor and outdoor classroom. A fabulous start to a new school!

Abigail is always busy learning in our classroom. She can often be found in the model making area creating interesting and exciting sculptures.

Well done to the both of you.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Our first PE lesson!

This week we have enjoyed our first PE lesson in FS2.

The children were very excited to have PE in the hall.

This week we practised moving safely around in the hall and finding 'a space'.

We were very good at that, so moved onto understanding the terms 'high' and 'low'.

'Freezing' was our next challenge. We loved freezing like a statue so had a go at practising that skill with music. When the music stopped we showed off our best statues!

Have a look at our slideshow of the photos from the session.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

I've enjoyed ...

I asked the children what they have enjoyed so far in FS2, this is what they said;

I like playing with the farm. Riley

I made a coca cola drink in the model making area. Olivia

I like playing with the train track. Rhys

I like spinning in the red top. Ellie

I like playing with bee bot. Connor

I enjoyed the dough disco. Sam

Photo of the week
Meet Moby, Lola and their two babies. They are our Giant African Land Snails and they spend time in FS2. Their favourite food is cucumber and they love having showers.

Our learning this week on PhotoPeach

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning fun.

Mrs Warner

Friday, 20 September 2013

Dough Disco

Today we had our very first dough disco.
It was such good fun and it's great way to improve finger co-ordination and control.

This is the video we used.


"squeeze and squeeze and squeeze"

"boogie woogie"

"ball it and ball it"

"slap it and slap it"

"roll it and roll it"

I hope you all had fun today.
If you have a disco at home please let me know.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Golden Children

Today two very special children in FS2 received a certificate for their superb attitude and behaviour. This is what is written in the Gold Book;

Elyse helped me to make a list of all the toys in our shed. She was in charge of writing the first sounds she could hear. It made my job so much easier. Thank you Elyse for all your help.

Harrison always follows FS2's "Three Bee Promises" He shows respect for our classroom and all always looks after our things. Thank you Harrison, I can depend on you to do the right thing.

What a great start to a new class!
Mrs Warner

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Enjoying our time in FS2

The children have all settled very well and enjoy spending time in the indoor and outdoor classroom.

Photo of the week
 "Bottle babies"
Bottle babies are an open ended resource children use in their play. Children have helped to create these bottle babies by choosing a colour to dye the water and adding items to create unique designs. Some children added glitter (lots and lots of glitter), cloth, sequins, pipe cleaners and pom poms. We are making more babies next week.

Here is a slide show of 30 more photographs taken this week. We welcome your comments.

Enjoying our time in FS2 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The day we became FS2 class

Today we welcomed our newest friends to Foundation Stage 2 class, this means we are now all together and ready to have a fabulous year.

Here are some photos from today.

Can you tell your grown up what you have enjoyed so far?

Monday, 9 September 2013

More fun in FS2

Today 10 more friends joined us in FS2. Here are the photos of everyone playing together.


Thursday, 5 September 2013

Having fun and making friends

What a wonderful day we have had in Foundation stage 2. 
Here are some photographs from today.