
Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Leeds United came to Fieldhead Carr

Yesterday Leeds United staff came to teach us basic football skills. This week we focused on 'dribbling'. This means doing little touches of the ball with your feet.

We all had a go at three different tasks. 
We played a mini football match. 
We played a game of 'prisoner escape'. In this game we had to run through a small coned area without getting caught by the officer. 
We also practiced dribbling the ball in between cones that were in a line up the field.

We thoroughly enjoyed the session and were very pleased when we found out they will be coming back to teach us more skills for the next few weeks. Some grown-ups came and watched us on the field too. We can't wait for next week!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Big Talk


On Friday we are going to talk about "Quadblogging" and how we use it in class. Can you explain what Quadblogging is to your grown up? Here is some information to help if you can't remember.

Quadblogging is about 4 schools linking together through their blog. One school each week is the focus blog and the other three schools will read what has been shared and leave comments.
Quadblogging gives our class a real audience because a teacher and his/her class read what we post.
We visit the other blogs to find out what is happening and look to see what is the same and different in their class.
It's exciting to see what other children are learning in a different part of the world.

If you want to have a look at the blogs, they are at the top of the page on the right.

I have signed us up again and hope we will be in a quad with a school in Australia.
Can you remember where Australia is on this map of the world?

Monday, 28 April 2014

Anyone fancy a mud pie?

Today we've had fun exploring in our new Mud Kitchen. Today's specials were: dandelion buns, petal pies and daisy soup.

I'm looking forward to more concoctions tomorrow.

Did you play in the mud kitchen today?

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Our first week back after the holiday

It was lovely seeing you all again. I hope you had a super two week holiday and made the most of the weather.
In class we have been learning about missing numbers and having a go at writing sentences. Outside we have been making potions and dandelion soup.
Have a look at the slide show of the photos from this week.

First week of summer term on PhotoPeach
 Photo of the week

What have you enjoyed this week? Write back and tell me.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Golden children

Congratulations Abigail and Elyse

Elyse consistently follows our 3 Bee Promises; Be Kind, Be responsible and Be Respectful. She is a wonderful friend to the other children in class and always does the right thing. Well done Elyse.

Abigail loves learning in the model making area, she makes amazing creations and takes her time. I am really pleased to see she is also learning in other areas of the room and finding they can be just as fun too.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Easter theme week

Our last week of term was full of fun.
We found out about the Easter story and made an Easter Garden. Some children were excited by the magnet investigation and went on a hunt inside and outside to find magnetic things. Other children enjoyed making sun catchers with sticky back plastic and Easter confetti.

Here is the slideshow; look out for egg printing, giant number lines, Ninja Turtles and chocolate crispy buns.

Easter theme week on PhotoPeach

Photo of the week
Rhyming words at the Jolly Phonics table

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Big Talk

Here is the Big Talk photo for this week. It has an Easter theme and the photo shows an Easter Garden, similar to the one we made today.

I would like you to tell your grown up how you made it and the story we read this morning.

source - The Frugal Homemaker